Surah Ali’Imran( The family of Imran)-Where Allah categorises the Quran.
Surah Ali’Imran( The family of Imran), is the third chapter of the Holy Quran, the fourth-longest Sura after, only Al-Baqarah, Ash-Shuara and Al-A’Raf have more verses.
Except for Al-Baqarah, no Sura in the Quran is so expansive in terms of themes. The Sura, for instance, deals with topics ranging from consumption of usury( Riba) to trust in Allah, unity of the Umah, permitted marriage, forgiveness and finally patience and perseverance.
However, this Sura has two unique verses, which are not included anywhere else in the Quran- let me share these with you.
First verse Allah( the Most High) puts the Quran into two broad categories, and the second verse is a verse that reminds us it is only Allah( the Most High) who is eternal with Some unusual historical event.
Let us look at the first verse( 3:7), which is verse 7 of the Surah. Allah( the Most High) categorises the Quran into two categories.
Category 1: Muhkamat (Ordinances or the clear ones)
Category 2: Mutashabihat (Allegories or the ones that are not clear cut).
Allah( the Most High) instructs us to stick with the Muhkamat category since it is the foundation of the Quran. The Muhkamat is also self-explanatory, and anyone with decent Abric language skills comprehends them.
Also, Allah ( the Most High)orders us not second- guess the Mutashabihat category since this category can only be explained by him and him( Allah) alone.
Here is the full verse, which Allah( the Most High) categorises the Quran.
‘It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise — they are the foundation of the Book — and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah. But those firm in knowledge say, “We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord.” And no one will be reminded except those of understanding’.(3: 7)
The moral lesson of the verse is that those with twisted hearts will choose to question and spend time on the Mutashabihat, but those whose hearts have been guided will leave this to Allah and believe in both categories.
The second verse I am going to share with you is verse 114 of the Surah. This verse deals with the Tawhid and that it is only Allah( the Most High) we worship.
The verse also has some interesting historical association. The event associated with this verse occurs on one of the darkest days for the Muslim Ummah- the day Prophet Mohammad( SA) returned to his creator.
According to the authentic Sunnah, just after the passing of the prophet( SA) was announced, Umar one of the most excellent companion of the prophet refused to accept his death. While confusion swirls at the house where the prophet died, another exceptional companion of the prophet Abu’Bakr arrives the scene ordering all to be seated.
Abu Bakr then recites this verse to reassure the faithful that it is Allah that is eternal, and the rest are destined to die.
Here is the full verse
‘Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all, but Allah will reward the grateful.(3:144)
Here is a reference for the Hadith of the story
Sahih al-Bukhari, 2/640,641]